

Home About Services Projects News Contact us Melak The details xxxxxx Melak, Indonesia >1,307ha Full design, develop and deliver scope 2008-2021 Thiess’ work at Melak showcases excellence in progressive rehabilitation. On average, more than 100 hectares are...
Mount Pleasant

Mount Pleasant

Home About Services Projects News Contact us Mt Pleasant The details xxxxxx Mt Pleasant, Australia >160ha Full design, develop and deliver scope 2018-2021 Led by the team heading up Thiess Rehabilitation, Thiess’ rehabilitation outcomes at Mt Pleasant mirror...
Lake Vermont

Lake Vermont

Lake Vermont The details xxxxxx Lake Vermont, Australia >255ha Full design, develop and deliver scope 2011-2021 Lake Vermont’s progressive rehabilitation campaign is returning disturbed land to cattle grazing or native ecosystem land uses. It showcases the latest...
Burton Coal Mine

Burton Coal Mine

Burton Coal Mine The details xxxxxx Burton, Australia >400ha Full design, develop and deliver scope 2014-2016 Over three years, via Thiess, our specialists led the successful completion of this major rehabilitation campaign across a large, complex series of waste...
Sangatta Coal Mine

Sangatta Coal Mine

Home About Services Projects News Contact us Sangatta Coal Mine The details xxxxxx Sangatta, Indonesia >2,100ha Full design, develop and deliver scope 2009-2021 Our Thiess team in Indonesia, working with our specialists in Australia, has designed a progressive...